
KTÜKD Genel Kurulu Gerçekleşti

17 Şubat 2024 tarihinde Kıbrıs Türk Üniversiteli Kadınlar Derneği (KTÜKD) Olağan Genel Kurulu gerkleşmiştir. Faal üyelerin yeterli çoğunluğunun yer aldığı toplantıda divan […]

Parity Projesi Mağusa Bölgesi Semineri Gerçekleşti

Kıbrıs Türk Üniversiteli Kadınlar Derneği’nin Avrupa Birliği tarafından finanse edilen Parity projesi çerçevesinde yürüttüğü araştırmalar sonucunda hazırlanan “Kıbrıs’ın kuzeyinde Üretim Kaynaklarına Erişimde […]

Parity Projesi Lefke Bölgesi Ziyareti Gerçekleşti

Within the framework of the Parity project, the preliminary introductory visit of the desk review report “Gender (in)equality in Access to Production Resources in the northern part of Cyprus: What do we know?” was held with the Lefke Women's Initiative in the Lefke region.

Parity Projesi Lefkoşa Bölgesi Ziyareti Gerçekleşti.

Within the framework of the Parity project, the preliminary introductory visits of the desk review report “Gender (in)equality in Access to Production Resources in the northern part of Cyprus: What do we know?” were held with the Refugee Rights Association, People with Orthopedic Disabilities Association and 4K in the Nicosia region.

Parity Projesi Lefkoşa Bölgesi Ziyareti Gerçekleşti

Within the framework of the Parity project, the preliminary introductory visits of the desk review report “Gender (in)equality in Access to Production Resources in the northern part of Cyprus: What do we know?” were held with the KAYAD and the Queer Cyprus Association in the Nicosia region.

Parity Projesi Girne Bölgesi Ziyareti Gerçekleşti

Within the framework of the Parity project, the preliminary introductory visits of the desk review report “Gender (in)equality in Access to Production Resources in the northern part of Cyprus: What do we know?” were held with the Women's Cooperative and KIUKAM in the Kyrenia region.

Parity Projesi Gazimağusa Bölgesi Ziyareti Gerçekleşti

Within the framework of the Parity project, under the supervision of Professor Dr. Fatma Güven-Lisaniler, written by Associate Professor Dr. Feyza Bhatti and researched by Eda Mine Büyükayman, the preliminary introductory visits of the desk review report “Gender (in)equality in Access to Production Resources in the northern part of Cyprus: What do we know?” took place in the Famagusta region to the civil society organisations EMU-KAEM, MAKAMER, Mormenekşe Women's Union, Akova Women's Union and Yeniboğaziçi Women's Union....